TACA Silver Cup Award Luncheon

TACA, The Arts Community Alliance, is a non-profit organization that provides support to the Dallas arts community to further their mission of fostering transformation through the arts. The Silver Cup Award Luncheon is an annual event that honors individuals who provide great leadership and contribution to the community. TACA needed an identity for the event that conveyed the prestigious nature of the award while also speaking to the energy and vibrancy of the arts community it works to serve. 

Completed at: The Matchbox Studio
Creative Director: David Broderick

Photography supplied by TACA.

Brochure Design, Event Identity, Print Design

For the 44th Annual Silver Cup Award Luncheon, patterns were created using the form of the numerals as the foundation.
The expansive linework represents the energetic, interconnected community. Metallic ink was used throughout the piece to reference the award itself.  

Elise Garcia 2024